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IT networking Support

Choose the perfect plan

One day without internet or network, No one is going to do this and for reliable connection of your network try our networking services.


SOHO Router or Switch Configuration

one time

  • SOHO router or switch will be configured on place of customer within 5 km from my business place, more than 5 km will charge extra as convenience charge.


Cable Routing

one time

    • Cable routing charges upto 50 ft, more than 50 ft will charge extra at the rate of INR 5 per Feet. Installation will be done on customer end within 10 km from my business place.


NIC, Network Adapter, LAN, Firewall

one time

  • Installations, maintenance and configuration will included 2 item above, more than 2 will charge extra.


Firewall Configuration

one time

  • A Firewall determines which resuourcesl on a computer system does a user on the network can access. So, a properly configured firewall increase the security of computer system.


Remote Support

one time

  • For users who can not come to us but want our service or solutions, we offer remote support for them to find better solutions for them. Above charges will cost for 30 minutes additional minutes will cost extra in multiply.


Cloud Storage Solutions

one time

  • Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider who manages and operates data storage as a service. It’s delivered on demand with just-in-time capacity and costs, and eliminates buying and managing your own data storage infrastructure
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